" Dose de Ilusão "


Material Aqui

Tubes: OBG_GIRL_728 \  37_carnaval_animabelle_p1\ thaliris_pausecafe_el32a\b\c.
Marca D'água .
Efeitos do PSP.
Versão usada PSPX8.
Plugin MuR'as Meister\ Copies.
Plugin MuRa's Meister \Perspective Tiling.
 Plugin Simple\ Zoom Out and Flip.
Plugin \Adjust\ Variations...
Tutorial _Roteiro
1-Abrir nova imagem transparente de 1000 x 700 pxls. 
_Preencher com o gradiente formado pelas cores  #838438 e #452d0b.   Configurar Linear  : 
 Angle 0 \ Repeats 0.  Invert desmarcado.
2- Selections\ Select All .  Selections\ Modify \  Contract 13 pxls.  Invert \ Delete.
3-Selections \ Invert.  Selections\ Modify \  Contract 13 pxls.  Delete . Selections\ Select none.
4- Plugin MuR'as Meister\ Copies_Throw.
_Effects  \Reflection Effects \ Rotating Mirror .  H = 0  \  R= 180  \ Repeat.
_Effects\ Edge Effects\ Enhance More.
5-Image\ Canvas Sise 1000 x 850 _Bottom 150.
6- Aplicar a mask gradienteDW\ Duplicar.
_Layer\ Merge\ Group.
_Effects \ 3D Effects \ Drop Shadow ( menos )-10\ 20\ 80\ 60,00.  Color=000000.
7-Nova Layer .Layer\ Arrange\ Move Down.
_Preencher com o mesmo gradiente formado no ítem1.
_Selections\ Select All . Edit  Copy na imagem ( tube) THOMAS-MORAN-ENTRANCE-TO-THE-GRAND-CANAL-VENICE ( 2 )
\ Edit Paste Into Selection. Selections\ Select none.
8- Effects\ Texture Effects\ Tiles.
9- Plugin MuRa's Meister \Perspective Tiling.  Height 22 \ outros valores_Default.

*Com a Ferramenta Magic Wand \  Feather 70 \ Clique na parte transparente . Deletar  (  quatro\ cinco vezes , suavizar  o efeito ).  Selections \ Select none.

_Effects\ Image Effects\ Seamless Tiling: *Side by side.


10- Nova Layer\ Send to Bottom.

_Preencher com o gradiente formado pelas cores acima.  Mudar Repeats1 .   Invert marcado.



_Adjust\ Add/ Remove Noise \ JPEG Artifactal Removal... ( Maximum\ C=79) .
_Plugin FMTT\ Blend Emboss.
Paste As New Layer.  ( a imagem deverá estar na memória )
  _Adjust\ Sharpness\ Sharpen More. 
12-Ativar a Group Raster1 ( a layer superior ).
_Effects\ Geometric Effects\ Perspective-Horizontal. D=90 \ Transp.
13- Plugin Simple\ Zoom Out and Flip.
  _Adjust\ Sharpness\ Sharpen More. 
_Effects \ 3D Effects \ Drop Shadow 10\ ( menos) -20\ 80\ 60,00.  Color=000000.
14- Image add border 3 bottom \ color= #000000.
15- Image add border 20 bottom \ color= #838438.
16- Selecionar essa borda com a Ferramenta Magic Wand _Default e aplicar o Effects\ Texture Effects\ Tiles .
( veja print ítem 8 ).
_Emboss3. Selections \ Select none.
 17- Edit Copy no tube OBG_GIRL_728\  Paste As New Layer. 
Mirror\ Posicione.
_Adjust\ Sharpness\ Sharpen More.
18- Edit Copy no tube 37_carnaval_animabelle_p1\  Paste As New Layer. 
Use e posicione a gosto.
_Adjust\ Sharpness\ Sharpen .
19-Edit Copy nos  thaliris_pausecafe_el32a\b\c \ Paste As New Layer. 
Use a gosto.
20- Image add border 3 bottom \ color= #000000.
21- Plugin \Adjust\ Variations...
_use a gosto.
Aplicar a Marca D'agua.
Assine e salve.
Aparecida \ licacida , fevereiro de 2017.
Espero  que gostem.