Versões Amigas





Material Aqui

Preset sombra-circulo_lc do Eye Candy 5/Impact/Perspective Shadow (Dar duplo clic sobre o preset para importar-lo al Plugin)
Tubes: tube 3348-luzcristina \  tube 3946-luzcristina \tube nicole-vase1-2012
Marca D'água.
Efeitos do PSP.
Versão usada PSPX8.
Plugin Xero\Fritillary.
Plugin Alien Skin Eye Candy 5: Impact\ Perspective Shadow_sombra_circulo_lc
Plugin Nick Software\ Color EfexPro 3.0.
Tutorial _Roteiro
1-  Abrir uma nova imagem transparente 1024 x 800 pxls.
_Select All \_Edit Copy no tube 3348-luzcristina  \Edit Paste Into Selection. Selections\ Select none.
_Effect\ Image Effects\ Seamless Tiling... Default.
2- Adjust\ Blur\ Radial Blur.
3-Plugin Xero\Fritillary.
_Adjust\ Sharpness\ Sharpem More.
4-Seleção Personalizada.

_Promote Selection to Layer.

5-Effects\ 3D Effects\ Inner Bevel



_Selections\ Select none.

_Layer\Duplicate. Image\ Mirror Vertical.  Layer\ Merge\ Merge Down.

*Layer\ Duplicate.

6- Image\ Free Rotate.



*Layer\ Duplicate.

7- Effects \ Geometric Effects\ Perspective Vertical.



8-Plugin MuR'as Meister\ Pole Transform_Default.


9-Plugin Alien Skin Eye Candy 5: Impact\ Perspective Shadow... Setting\   use Setting\ sombra_circulo_lc.
_Effects \ 3D Effects \ Drop Shadow 10\ 10\ 50\ 5,00.  Color=000000.

10- Nova Layer\ Send to Bottom.

_ Preencher com o gradiente formado pelas cores #3e0e0b  e  #9c2923 Configurar Sunburst: Angle 0 e Repeats 0. Invert marcado. CP= H e V=50. FP=H e V=50.

11-Ativar a layer Promote Selection.

_Repetir ítem 7 ( veja print ). Effects \ Geometric Effects\ Perspective Vertical.

12-Edit Copy no tube 3348-luzcristina\ Paste As New Layer. Resize 120%.

_Adjust\ Sharpness\ Sharpem More.

13- Duplicar a Raster2. Plugin Nick Software\ Color EfexPro 3.0.\Bi-Color Filters.Color Set=Brown3.

14- Duplicar a Raster1. Plugin Nick Software\ Color EfexPro 3.0.\Bi-Color Filters.Color Set=Brown1.

15- Duplicar a Raster Superior\ Copy ( 2 ) of  Promoted Selection.

_Plugin Nick Software\ Color EfexPro 3.0.\Bi-Color Filters.Color Set=Brown4.

_Layer\ Blends\ Opacitys

Layer\ Merge Visible.
16-Image add border  2 pxls cor =#3e0e0b ( foreground).
_Image add border  40 pxls cor =#ffffff . Selecionar e pintar com o mesmo gradiente formado acima. ( ítem 10 ).
_Plugin Xero\Fritillary (print ítem 3).
_Effects \ 3D Effects \ Drop Shadow 0\ 0\ 80\ 40,00.  Color=000000.
_Selections\ Select none.
17-Copy no tube 3946-luzcristina\Paste As New Layer. Resize 120%. Posicione.
_Adjust\ Sharpness\ Sharpem More.

18-Copy no tube nicole-vase1-2012 \ Paste As New Layer.Posicione.  Adjust\ Sharpness\ Sharpem More.

 _Image add border  1 pxl cor =#000000.

19- Plugim AAA Filters\ Custom_Landscape.

_Acabamento do seu top a gosto.

Aplicar a Marca D'agua.
Assine e salve.
Aparecida / licacida, janeiro de 2016.
Espero que gostem!

