"For a Dream"

Material Aqui

Seleção: sel_zoomblur_lc .PspSelection ( Salve em sua pasta de seleções My PSP Files ) .

Tubes :SuizaBella_Ref_AG-001419 \SuizaBella_Ref_AG-003024 \SuizaBella_Ref_AG-003037 ( o banco )

Deco:Callitubes-133flores\ Callitubes-141flores\ Callitubes-163decor\decora_acabamento_lc.
Elemento: elementozoomblur_lc\ colorido-lc

Marca D'água .
Efeitos do PSP.

Versão usada PSPX9.


Plugins Tramages.
Plugins\ MuRa's Meister.
Plugins Alien Skin Eye Candy 5.
Plugins Andromeda.
Plugins VM Stylize.



foreground _ #cbc6a0\ background _#656436.

1- Abrir uma imagem transparente de 1024 x 800.
_Preencher esta layer com um gradiente Radial, usando as cores configuradas acima.

_Layers Duplicate

2-Plugins Tramages \ Wee Scratches_Default (255 ).

3-Plugins MuRa's Meister/ Perspective Tiling.


4-Plugins Alien Skin Eye Candy 5: Impact / Extrude .
Color= #2f271b

 _ Layers Duplicate

_Image\ Resize 80%

_Layers\ Arrange\Move Down..

*Plugins Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 : Impact\ Perspective Shadow_use a gosto.
_Usar nas duas layers.

* Layer do Topo.
_Layers\ Merge Down.

5-Layers \ New Raster Layer.
_Preencher com a cor usada no background (escura)

6-Layers \ New Raster Layer.
_Preencher com o gradiente linear formado pelas cores configuradas acima.

7-Aplicar a cd5mask22dw.

_ Effects\Edge Effects\ Enhance.
_Layers\ Merge Group.

*Plugins Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 : Impact\ Perspective Shadow_use a gosto.

8- Selecionar partes da mask como mostra o print. Usar a ferramenta Magic Wand_Default.

9_Layers \ New Raster Layer.
_Flood Fill, Opacity 50%, preencher as partes selecionadas com o mesmo gradiente formado ítem 6.
Selections\ Select none.

10- Plugins Andromeda\ Designs.

_Layers\ Merge Down.

11-Effects\ Geometric Effects\ Perspective Vertical.
D -( menos) 14\ Repeat.


12-Ativar o piso_Copy (2) of Raster1 .
Layers\ Arrange Bring to Top.

13-Ativar :Group-Raster3.
_Ferramenta Pick Tool, posicione: Position X: -2,00 Position Y: -35,00.

_Layers Merge Down

_Layer do Topo.
14-Selections \Load \ Save Selection \Load Selection From Disk \ Load \sel.zoomblur_lc.PspSelection.

_Layers \ New Raster Layer.
15-Preencher esta seleção com o gradiente linear formado no ítem 6. Opacity 100% ( permanece).

16- Effects\ 3D Effects\ Inner Bevel.

 Selections\ Select none.

17- Plugins VM Stylize\ Zoom Blur_Default ( 39\60 )

18-Copy no elementozoomblur_lc\ Paste As New Layer.
_Objects\ Align\ Top.
_Layers\ Merge Down.

*Plugins Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 : Impact\ Perspective Shadow_use a gosto.

19-Edit Copy no SuizaBella_Ref_AG-001419 \Paste As New Layer.

_Adjust \ Sharpness \ Sharpen. Resize 80%

20-Ferramenta Pick Tool, posicione: Position X: 284,00 Position Y: 50,00.

*Com a ferramenta Selection Tool, selecione como mostra o print. Invert\Delete.
Selections\ Select none.

21-Edit Copy no decora_acabamento_lc \Paste As New Layer.
_Adjust \ Sharpness \ Sharpen.

22-Ferramenta Pick Tool, posicione: Position X: 164,00 Position Y: 118,00.

23-Edit Copy no SuizaBella_Ref_AG-003024 \Paste As New Layer.
Resize e posicionamento.

*Usar o banco do tube SuizaBella_Ref_AG-003037 * use a gosto.

24-Edit Copy nos decos \Paste As New Layer.
_Callitubes-133flores\ Callitubes-141flores\ Callitubes-163decor.
Posicione e resize * use a gosto.

*Plugins Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 : Impact\ Perspective Shadow_use a gosto.

_Layer do Topo.
25-Layers \ New Raster Layer.
_ Selections \Select All .Edit Copy no colorido-lc \ Edit Paste Into Selection . Selections\ Select none.
Blend Mode Overley \Opacity a gosto.

_Image \ Add Borders \ 1 pxl color =fore

26- Plugins AAA\ Frames\ Foto Frame.

Aplicar a Marca D'agua.
Assine e salve.

Aparecida \ licacida , março de 2022.

Espero que gostem.


