

Material Aqui


Preset Illumination\Lights_lights \ lc14 mp ( Guardar em sua pasta de  Presets My PSP Files).  
Tubes : 3113 - woman - LB TUBES \nicole-paysage2-2020.
3252 - still life - LB TUBES.
Mask: 079tchrist.
Elementos: elementomariana\ elemento1mariana\ elemento2mariana_mp
Marca D'água .
Efeitos do PSP.
Versão usada PSPX9
FFG \ M.
_Plugin  Eye Candy 5  Impact.
Plugin  MuRa's Meister. 
Tutorial _Roteiro
1-Abrir nova imagem transparente de 1024 x 800.
Preencher com  o gradiente  formado pelas cores #1f0f14 ( usar no foreground ) e #cb938e ( usar no background) Configurar Rectangular . Angle0 \ Repeats 2. Invert marcado.CP=H eV, 50 \ FP=H eV, 50.
2- Plugin FFG \ M _Loom...Default.
_Layers Duplicate.
*Tirar a visibilidade da Raster1.
3-Aplicar a mask 079tchrist.
Layers\ Merge Group.
_Effects  \Reflection Effects \ Rotating Mirror .
4- FFG\ G _Panel Stripes_Default.
_Com a Ferramenta Magic Wand _ Default , selecionar a parte externa dos efeitos.
5-Selections \Modify \Contract... 20pxls.  Delete.  Selections\ Select none.
*Selecionar o primeiro retângulo.
  ( com a Ferramenta Magic Wand _ Default)
6- New layer ( raster2)
 _ preencher com o gradiente formado no ítem1. 
_ Adjust \ Blur\ Radial Blur.
_Edit Copy no nicole-paysage2-2020 \ Edit Paste Into Selection .
_Adjust\ Sharpness\ Sharpen More.
_Plugin  Eye Candy 5  Impact \ Glass .
 _Effects \ 3D Effects\ Chisel.
( color foreground )
_Selections\ Select none.
7-Effects\ Illumination Effects\ Preset Illumination\ Lights\ lc14.
_Layers Duplicate. Image \ Mirror Horizontal.
_Layers\ Merge Down.
8- Layer da mask.
Effects\ Illumination Effects\ Preset Illumination\ Lights\ lc14.
( print acima)
* Selecionar o segundo retângulo. 
 ( com a Ferramenta Magic Wand _ Default)
9- Raster 2 .
_Preencher com o gradiente formado no ítem1. 
_ Adjust \ Blur\ Radial Blur.
 ( print acima)
_Adjust\ Sharpness\ Sharpen More.
_Plugin  Eye Candy 5  Impact \ Glass .
Basic ( print acima )
 _Effects \ 3D Effects\ Chisel_ color foreground.
 ( print acima)
Effects\ Illumination Effects\ Preset Illumination\ Lights\ lc14.
( print acima)
 _Selections\ Select none.
_Layers\ Merge Down.
_Effects\3D Effects\  Drop Shadow.0\ 0\ 80\ 40,00 . (Color=#000000).  
*Abrir a visibilidade da Raster1.
 10- Ativar a layer.
_Effects\ Illumination Effects\ Preset Illumination\ Lights\ lc14.
( print ítem 7)
 11- Layer superior.
 Edit \ Copy Special \ Copy Merged . Edit Paste a New Layer .

12- Plugin  MuRa's Meister \ Perspective Tiling . Height 20.    _Layers\ Arrange Move Down.

*Com a Ferramenta Magic Wand \  Feather 60 \ Clique na parte transparente . Deletar  ( tres\quatro vezes ).   Selections \ Select none.     _ Emboss3

13- Layer da mask. Group-Copy of Raster1.
Com a borracha Size 200, apagar o retangulo central.
As layers estão assim.
14-Effects\ Geometric Effects\ Skew.
15-Edit Copy no nicole-paysage2-2020 \ Paste As New Layer.
_Effects\ Illumination Effects\ Preset Illumination\ Lights\ lc14. ( opcional )
( print ítem 7)
Blend Mode\ Hard Light. (  Opacity a gosto ).
_Adjust\ Sharpness\ Sharpen More.
16-Edit Copy no elemento2mariana \ Paste As New Layer.
Layers\ Arrange Move Down ( aplicar tres vezes )
17-Edit Copy no elemento1mariana \ Paste As New Layer.
Objects\ Align \Top.
_Adjust\ Sharpness\ Sharpen More.
18-Usar no foreground a cor #fbf7b5, ativar a Ferramenta  Change To Target ,
configurar:  como print.
*Pincelar o elemento1 a gosto.
19-Edit Copy no elementomariana \ Paste As New Layer. 
Objects\ Align \Top.
_Adjust\ Sharpness\ Sharpen More.
Plugin  AAAFrames \ Foto Frame.
_ Effects \ Image Effects\ Seamless Tiling _ Default .
Layers\ Blends\ Opacitys.

21-Edity Copy \ Raster 1.

_Image \ Add Borders \ 1 pxl color = foreground (#1f0f14) .

 Selections  \ Select All

_Image \ Add Borders \ 40 pxls color = background .


 Edit Paste Into Selection \  a imagem copiada.

 _ Adjust \ Blur\ Radial Blur. ( print acima )

Plugin Graphics Plus\ Cross Shadow_Default.   Invert.

_Effects\3D Effects\  Drop Shadow.0\ 0\ 80\ 40,00 . (Color=#000000).  Selections \ Select none.    
22-Edit Copy no  3113 - woman - LB TUBES\ Paste As New Layer.
Posicione e use a gosto.
23-Edit Copy no  3252 - still life - LB TUBES\ Paste As New Layer.
Posicione e use a gosto.

_Image \ Add Borders \ 1 pxl color = foreground (#1f0f14) .

* Resize \ Width 1024 pxls.
Aplicar a Marca D'agua.
Assine e salve.
Aparecida \ licacida , novembro de 2020.
Espero  que gostem.