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Material Aqui



SuizaBella_Ref_AG-00600\ 3273-luzcristina\ SuizaBella Flores4.
Back: backlica.
Deco: deco1lc.
Marca D'água .
Efeitos do PSP.
Versão usada PSPX8.
Plugin  MuRa's Meister
Filters Unlimited 2 _VM Stylize.
Plugin Virtual Painter4.
Tutorial _Roteiro
  Foreground #0f130b \   Background #b1bfaf.
1-Abrir uma nova imagem transparente de 1024 x 700 pxls. Preencher com
 o gradiente formado pelas cores  acima . Configurar Sunburst.  Repeats 0. Invert marcado. CP=H e V 50\ FP=H e V 50.
2- Effects\ Distortion Effects\ Pixelate.
Block width 38\ Block height 38. Symmetric desmarcado.
Effects\ Edge Effects\ Enhance More.
3- Seleção Personalizada ( tecleS)
_Promote Selection to Layer.
4-Effects\ 3D Effects\ Inner Bevel.
Selections\ Select none.
Image\ Mirror \ Mirror Vertical.
5-Plugin  MuRa's Meister \ Pole Transform...
Image\ Mirror \ Mirror Vertical.
6-Plugin  MuRa's Meister \ Copies _Cards.
Resize 80% .
 7-Effects\ Image Effects\ Offset...
Layer Duplicate.  Image \Mirror \ Mirror Horizontal.
Layer\ Merge\ Down.
8- Effects\ Distortion Effects\ Pinch. S=100%.
9- Effects\ Distortion Effects\Lens Distortion.
Layer Duplicate.
10-Filters Unlimited 2 _VM Stylize.
( o efeito Zoom Blur , poderá aparecer em outro plugin )
Layer\ Arrange\ Move Down. 
11- Layer superior, Promoted Selection.
Plugin  MuRa's Meister \ Copies _Afterimage(linear)_Default.
12-Effects\ Geometric Effects\ Pentagon...
Edge mode ( wrap ).
Tire a visibilidade da layer inferior.
Eraser Tool ( tecleX ), Size =80, apagar a parte superior do efeito .
Veja modelo:
13-Plugin Virtual Painter4.
 Filter \Pastel _ Material\ Wood  .
14-Ativar a Raster1. Nova Layer.
 Select All. Edit Copy no misted 3273-luzcristina \ Edit Paste Into Selection .
Selections\ Select none.
15-Adjust \ Blur\ Radial Blur.
Layer\ Merge\ Merge Down.
Adjust\ Sharpness\ Sharpen More.
( tire a visibilidade desta layer , raster1 )
16-Edit Copy no backlica\Paste As New Layer .
Layer\ Arrange\ Move Down.
Adjust / Brightness and Contrast / Brightness/Contrast
B= ( menos) -10\ C=8 .
17- Image\ Canvas Sise.
 1024 x 800_ Bottom: 100.
Layer Duplicate.
18-Plugin  MuRa's Meister \ Perspective Tiling.

*Com a Ferramenta Magic Wand \  Feather 60 \ Clique na parte transparente .Deletar  (  uma única vez, para suavizar  o efeito ).  Selections \ Select none.

19- Ativar a raster1.

Nova layer\ Arrange \ Send to Bottom.

 Select All. Edit Copy no back raster1 \ Edit Paste Into Selection .
Selections\ Select none.
DELETE ( raster1)
20-Ativar a raster2.
Edit Copy no decolc\Paste As New Layer .
21-Abrir a visilibidade da layer  Copy of Promoted Selection . 

Usar o Blende Mode Overley e Opacity 75%.

22-Edit Copy no misted 3273-luzcristina \Paste As New Layer .

 Adjust\ Sharpness\ Sharpen More.

Usar entre efeitos, usar a gosto.





layers, blends, opacitys.




layer\ merge visible.
23- Plugin AAA Frames / Foto Frame_Default . Width25.
24-Edit Copy no tube SuizaBella_Ref_AG-00600 \ Paste As New Layer .
Resize e posicionamento a gosto.
25-Edit Copy no tube SuizaBella Flores4 \ Paste As New Layer .
Resize e posicionamento a gosto.
**Plugin AAA Filters\ Custom_Landscape ( Default).
 ( Opcional)
Aplicar a Marca D'agua.
Assine e salve jpg.
Aparecida \ licacida , maio  de 2019.
Espero  que gostem.