Versões Amigas




estrella from jussimara da luzpontes on Vimeo.


Com Carinho!



Material Aqui


Tubes:  malackatube u0385\SvB Zee 47 misted\
Brushes :bird_brushes_II_by_lpdragonfly_5
Deco:delicatemp (mp)
Marca D'água .
Efeitos do PSP.
Versão usada PSPX8.
Plugin dsb flux.
Plugin  Mehdi.
Filters Unlimited 2 _ &<BKg Kaleidoscope>.
Plugin Nick Software.
Plugin Alien Skin Eye Candy 5: Impact.
Tutorial _Roteiro
  Foreground    #443016 \   Background   #bfaa85.
1-Abrir uma nova imagem transparente de 900 x 800 pxls.
_Seleção Personalizada ( tecleS).
_Preencher com  o gradiente formado pelas cores  acima .Configurar Linear.
Angle 90 \Repeats 0. Invert desmarcado.
2- Edit Copy no tube malackatube u0385 \ Edit Paste Into Selection .
3- Adjust\ Blur\ Gaussian Blur ... R : 28,00.
4-Effects \ 3D Effects \ Inner Bevel.
Selections\ Select none.
 5- Selecionar a borracha ( eraser ) 
Configurar :
Aplicar na seleção como modelo.
6- Effects\ Geometric Effects \Skew.
_Layer \ Duplicate. Image Mirror Horizontal.
Layer\ Merge\ Down.
_Layer \ Duplicate. Image Mirror Vertical.
Layer\ Merge\ Down.
_Image\ Resize 120%
7-Nova layer\ Send to Bottom.
Preencher com o gradiente Sunburst , usar as mesmas cores acima.
Repeats \0. Invert marcado. CP=H e V\50. FP=H e V \50.
8-Select All. Edit Copy no tube malackatube u0385 \ Edit Paste Into Selection . Selections\ Select none.
_Effects \ Image Effects \ Seamless Tiling \ Default.
9-Adjust\ Blur\ Gaussian Blur ... R : 28,00.
10-Plugin dsb flux\ Blast.
11- Ativar a raster1.
 Nova Layer.
_Seleção Personalizada ( tecle S).
_Preencher color #ffffff.  Selections\ Select none.
12- Effects\ Geometric Effects \Skew.
*Effects\ Image Effects\ Offset...
_Layer \ Duplicate. Image Mirror Horizontal.
Layer\ Merge\ Down.
_Layer \ Duplicate. Image Mirror Vertical.
Layer\ Merge\ Down.
_Layer \ Duplicate.
13-Layer original_Raster3.
_Plugin Alien Skin Eye Candy 5: Impact\ Motion Trail...
14-Plugin  Mehdi \Weaver.
15-Na sua cópia: Copy of Raster3.
Plugin  Mehdi \Weaver.
16-Ativar a Raster2. Layer \ Duplicate.
Na layer duplicada.
Plugin Nick Software\ Color EfexPro 3.0\Bi-Color Filters . Cool \ Warm .1
17-Filters Unlimited 2 _&<BKg Kaleidoscope>.
Emboss3.  Blende Mode=Overley.
18- Ativar a Raster1. Layer \ Duplicate.
Na layer duplicada.
Plugin Nick Software\ Color EfexPro 3.0\Bi-Color Filters . Brown1.
Blende Mode=Multiply.
_Layer  Duplicate \  Resize 80%.
Layer  Duplicate ( repita)
 Blende Mode=  Normal \copy (2)of raster1.
_ Effects \ 3D Effects \ Drop Shadow 3\20\85\ 40,68 . Color=#000000.
usar nas layers:
copy of raster1\ copy(3)of raster1.
as layers , opacitys, blends, estão assim.
use a gosto.
19-Ativar a copy (3) of raster1.
_Edit Copy no SvB Zee 47 misted \ Paste As New Layer .
_ Adjust\ Sharpness \ Sharpen More.
20-Edit Copy no bird_brushes_II_by_lpdragonfly_5 \ Paste As New Layer. Posicione.
21-Edit Copy no delicatemp \ Paste As New Layer.
22-Ativar a layer superior.
Edit Copy no malackatube u0385 \ Paste As New Layer. Posicione.
_ Adjust\ Sharpness \ Sharpen More.
*Layer\Merge Visible.
23-Image add borderes   2 pxls color= ( fore )\  Image add borderes   2 pxl color=( back).
Image add borderes   2 pxls color=( fore )
Selections\ Select All.
Image add borderes   30 pxls color=  ( back).
_ Effects \ 3D Effects \ Drop Shadow 0\ 0\ 80\ 40,00. Color=#000000.
Selections\ Select none.
Image add borderes 30 pxls color= ( fore )
Image add borderes   2 pxl color=( back).
Image\ Resize  Width 900pxls .
Aplicar a Marca D'agua.
Assine e salve jpg.
Aparecida \ licacida , março  de 2019.
Espero  que gostem.